Total Persistence Usage Guide

This guide demonstrates how to use the main functions in the totalpersistence package.

Basic Usage

The package provides functions to compute total persistence diagrams using bottleneck distances. Here’s a basic example:

import numpy as np
from totalpersistence import totalpersistence, kercoker_via_cone
from totalpersistence.utils import general_position_distance_matrix

# Create sample point clouds
X = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]])  # Triangle vertices
Y = np.array([[0, 0], [2, 0], [0, 2]])  # Scaled triangle vertices
f = np.array([0, 1, 2])  # Function values

# Generate distance matrices
dX = general_position_distance_matrix(X)
dY = general_position_distance_matrix(Y)

# Compute persistence diagrams
coker_dgm, ker_dgm, cone_dgm, dgmX, dgmY = kercoker_via_cone(
    dX, dY, f, maxdim=2, cone_eps=0, tol=1e-11

# Calculate total persistence
coker_distances, ker_distances, coker_matchings, ker_matchings = totalpersistence(
    coker_dgm, ker_dgm

Key Functions


The kercoker_via_cone function computes persistence diagrams using the cone algorithm:

def kercoker_via_cone(dX, dY, f, maxdim=1, cone_eps=0, tol=1e-11):
    Compute persistence diagrams using the cone algorithm.

    dX : np.array
        Distance matrix of the source space in condensed form
    dY : np.array
        Distance matrix of the target space in condensed form
    f : np.array
        Function values
    maxdim : int, optional
        Maximum dimension to compute (default=1)
    cone_eps : float, optional
        Cone parameter (default=0)
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance for numerical computations (default=1e-11)

        (coker_dgm, ker_dgm, cone_dgm, dgmX, dgmY)


The totalpersistence function computes bottleneck distances:

def totalpersistence(coker_dgm, ker_dgm):
    Compute total persistence using bottleneck distances.

    coker_dgm : list
        List of cokernel persistence diagrams
    ker_dgm : list
        List of kernel persistence diagrams

        (coker_bottleneck_distances, ker_bottleneck_distances,
         coker_matchings, ker_matchings)

Utility Functions

The package includes several utility functions in

  • general_position_distance_matrix(X, perturb=1e-7): Generate a distance matrix with small perturbations

  • lipschitz(dX, dY): Compute the Lipschitz constant

  • conematrix(DX, DY, DY_fy, eps): Create the cone matrix for persistence calculations

Example with Real Data

Here’s a complete example analyzing point cloud data:

import numpy as np
from totalpersistence import totalpersistence, kercoker_via_cone
from totalpersistence.utils import general_position_distance_matrix

# Generate sample point clouds
n_points = 10
X = np.random.rand(n_points, 2)  # Source space points
Y = 2 * np.random.rand(n_points, 2)  # Target space points
f = np.arange(n_points)  # Function values

# Compute distance matrices
dX = general_position_distance_matrix(X)
dY = general_position_distance_matrix(Y)

# Calculate persistence diagrams
coker_dgm, ker_dgm, cone_dgm, dgmX, dgmY = kercoker_via_cone(
    dX, dY, f, maxdim=2

# Compute total persistence
results = totalpersistence(coker_dgm, ker_dgm)
coker_distances, ker_distances, coker_matchings, ker_matchings = results

# Print results
print("Cokernel distances:", coker_distances)
print("Kernel distances:", ker_distances)